Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Great Sleep

Awake from the Great Sleep!

Are you ready to be set free from ALL fears and illusion?

Do you find yourself or others saying, "It's too hard,"

I'm too tired," "This is a struggle," or "It's too difficult?"

Are you experiencing distractions, procrastination and fears? How seductive and encompassing have
these become in your life?

What is the Great Sleep?

Distractions, procrastination and fears are seductive and cover us in a blanket of illusion. What are the results? It's like being on a hamster wheel, not truly engaged or moving forward, just going around in circles.

This is the Great Sleep.

Be honest... how affected have you been with any of the listed above?

The next five years will bring a monumental advancement of humankind. We will all be called to action.

We must consciously choose to stay aware and remain fully engaged to be part of our destiny as this magnificent future emerges.

Understand that making no choice IS making a choice.

Be the Author Of Your Destiny – NOW!  IT IS TIME. The time has come to stand up and take action
on where we are heading. IT IS TIME to clearly see ALL that is in front of us.

You have the ability – RIGHT NOW – to stand up and grasp the greatest potential the world has ever know. Change your life as well as change the world.

The best is yet to come.  Do you know it?  Or are you asleep.......


  1. Great post Kim! Please write more. Nancy here writing on Yvonne's log......You know the draw to sleep is so overwhelming. It can be so tempting to stay in the place of moving through the day without thoughts of the bigger picture. And yet what I know is what I must hang on to and that is.....the sleep is like a temporary high to rest a few minutes. The reality is that staying present and grounded is what saves my bacon when these earth changes hit. Thanks so much for writing this....it helps me to remember we are not an island! Nancy

  2. Good morning Kim, Thanks so much for the work you are doing. The big sleep is so - ha - I just went to sleep and lost the word I was going to write. That is how quickly it happens. Distractions abound to keep me from my knowing. I decided yesterday to make a place for my meditations that will have NO distractions. I will wake up!

  3. Hi Kim,
    Thank you for speaking The Truth. I have noticed that it seems easier to fall "asleep" in the past few months. At least I am aware of it, or at least I think I am. It seems that there is an opposite contraction for every expansion of awareness. The contraction is quite, well, painful. Thank you for reminding us that we are the Authors, that we get a choice, and that it is imperative that I stay awake.
